Package com.stuypulse.stuylib.streams.vectors.filters

package com.stuypulse.stuylib.streams.vectors.filters
  • Class
    A filter that clamps the magnitude of a vector to a certain size
    A filter that will zero out a vector if its magnitude is too small
    Filter that takes the derivative of a VStream with respect to time.
    This is the VFilter interface class that gives a definition for how to implement a filter.
    A class that lets you combine multiple vector filters into one vector filter.
    A filter that applies a HighPassFilter to a VStream
    A filter that applies a LowPassFilter to a VStream
    A filter, that when applied to the input of a motor, will profile it.
    A filter that limits the amount that a Vector2D can change by per second.
    A filter that takes a timed moving average of a VStream
    A filter that applies separate IFilters to the x and y component of a VFilter