Package com.stuypulse.stuylib.streams.booleans.filters
package com.stuypulse.stuylib.streams.booleans.filters
ClassDescriptionA simple boolean filter that returns true when a boolean stream changes depending on the type.A simple boolean filter that returns true when a boolean stream changes depending on the type.A collection of Debounce Classes in 3 flavors.A General Debounce Filter.A Falling Debounce Filter.A Rising Debounce Filter.An RC Debounce class takes the average of the past few boolean values to remove noise.An RC Debouncer that has a bias towards the previous valueAn RC Debouncer that has a false biasAn RC Debouncer that has a true biasThis is the BFilter interface class that gives a definition for how to implement a filter.A class that lets you combine multiple boolean filters into one boolean filter.